About Us
Carolyn Tague, MA, CMT
For six years, Carolyn, specializing in massage therapy, served as clinical faculty in integrative medicine education at a large regional hospital system. She also served as an administrative supervisor overseeing the implementation of a six-track, hospital-based integrative medicine education program.
Currently, Carolyn is a practitioner for the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at University of California San Francisco Medical Center (UCSF) where she has a practice in the outpatient clinic, as well as providing hospital massage therapy on the Hematology-Oncology and Infusion Center units.
She is also a massage therapist in the pain clinic at Laguna Honda Hospital, a long-term skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility in San Francisco and maintains a private practice of somatic integrative bodywork that includes massage, Reiki, Depth Hypnosis, PranicHealing, RosenMethod bodywork and Craniosacral Therapy.
Carolyn consistently earns rave reviews from her clients and students as being supportive, insightful, clinically relevant and collaborative.
As a consultant, Carolyn develops policies and procedures for local, national and international hospitals and clinics as well as to individual practitioners. She has also trained other Integrative Healthcare practitioners to work effectively and safely within a hospital setting and beyond.
Professional Associations:
- Hospital-based Massage Therapy Task Force Founding Member, Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health (ACIH)
- Education Committee Member, Society of Oncology Massage
- Recognized Education Provider, Society for Oncology Massage
Student Testimonials
Tague Consulting would like to thank Tracy Walton & Associates for the generous use of their photos.
(c) 2011, Tracy Walton & Associates, LLC.